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Permits map

This interactive web map allows you to explore District-permitted projects. The status of those permits may be pending, approved, closed, or something else. To begin using the permits web map, click/tap on the image below.

How to navigate the web map:

  • Search for an address with the search tool magnifying glass icon) in the upper right corner of the map.
  • Click the home button (house icon) to reset the map to the original view.
  • Use the find-my-location button (circle/target) icon in the lower right corner of the map to zoom to your current location.
  • Zoom into the map with the zoom tool (+/-) in the lower right corner of the map.
  • Move the map by click-hold-drag with a computer mouse. On a mobile device, touch drag the map.

Note that this permits map only shows District-permitted projects. Projects may require additional permits from other local government units such as a city, but this information is not included on this web map.

Want to learn more about District rules and the permitting program? Visit the main permit page.

Click image below to open permits map.

Image of the District's permits web map.